‘here we are’, a burberry major exhibition celebrating the british way of life through 20th century photography, has recently opened in the majestic rooms of old sessions house, clerkenwell green. the space has been newly presented to the public for the first time since its restoration.

burberry’s collection was inspired by the spirit of british social portraiture



the show was co-curated by christopher bailey, president and chief creative officer of burberry, lucy kumara moore, writer, curator and director of claire de rouen, and photographer alasdair mclellan. the exhibit features over 200 works by notable british photographers. 

burberry’s september collection for men and women is presented at old session house



three floors of old sessions house, which opened as middlesex sessions house in 1782 and was once the largest courthouse in england, unveils the exhibit. the photographs are divided into themes which reflect different aspects of the british way of life. inspired by the spirit captured in british social portraiture, burberry’s september collection for men and women was also presented at old sessions house on saturday, september 16th.

the collection is showcased alongside photography capturing british social life

middlesex sessions house was once the largest courthouse in england
the exhibit is curated by christopher bailey, president and chief creative officer of burberry

the faded grandeur of the victorian era space is paired with contemporary fashion

the interior features a grand coffered dome at its center 

‘here we are’ is divided into themes which reflect different aspects of the british way of life

the exhibit features over 200 works by photographers including dafydd jones, bill brandt, and brian griffin

the architecture of the building has attracted attention from artists and topographers over the years 
the building is palladian in style, with a facade constructed in portland stone 
