william lane architect decorates miami beach with eye-catching lifeguard towers

william lane architect decorates miami beach with eye-catching lifeguard towers

over 36 new brightly colored lifeguard towers


Design firm William Lane Architect left its mark on Miami in 1995 with the design of five vibrant lifeguard towers after Hurricane Andrew devastated the coast. Dotting Miami beach, they quickly became iconic images expressing the urban’s revitalization and cultural rebirth.


Almost twenty years later, the studio was invited again to design 36 lifeguard towers spreading across the most beloved shoreline in Florida. With their eye-catching color palette, irregular shapes, and art deco-inspired aesthetics, the structures stand out coming in contrast with the mesmerizing blue color of the ocean as a backdrop.william lane architect decorates miami beach with eye-catching lifeguard towersall images by william lane architect 



dramatic shapes and vivid colors spread across Miami’s coast


Walking from the tip of Miami Beach at South Point Park to 86th Street, it’s impossible to overlook the vivid and dynamic lifeguard towers. William Lane Architect formed six new prototypes to replace the 36 existing ones. The result sees a junction point of architecture and art, definitely bearing the architect’s design signature.


Over 40 playful and colorful schemes in pinks, yellows, greens, oranges, and purples, make their presence visible from afar, attracting passers-by with their playful pitch. Applying a bright rich color palette reflecting tropical fauna, in combination with wood, the towers express the identity and culture of Miami beach.

william lane architect decorates miami beach with eye-catching lifeguard towers



a retro-style setting for summer lovers


With dominant colors and eye-catching details, the structures add a splash of fun and celebrate their presence. Each of them plays with geometries, rooflines, and contours enlivening the beach as a public space. Blending with other summer props, such as umbrellas, towels, and deck chairs, the beach is transformed into a retro-style scene for young and old. 


All the towers stand on a skeleton base uplifting the entire structure to two meters and topped by a protruding roof that protects the lifeguards from the elements. Somewhere between functionality and cult aesthetics, the resulting designs go far beyond traditional lifeguard stands. 


william lane architect decorates miami beach with eye-catching lifeguard towers

william lane architect decorates miami beach with eye-catching lifeguard towers

william lane architect decorates miami beach with eye-catching lifeguard towers


william lane architect decorates miami beach with eye-catching lifeguard towers




project info:


architects: William lane

location: Miami beach

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