Feb 07, 2025formafantasma examines sheep's layered influence on human history at stedelijk museum art 0 shares
Apr 26, 2024porky hefer on his upcoming show: 'I don’t want to humanise animals but animalise humans' art 548 shares
Jan 31, 2024pietro fachini paints the ecosystem of the wilderness in pigments from harvested earth art 0 shares readers
May 31, 2023fantastical creatures transcend fiction & reality in martin salfity's hypnotic animations art 508 shares readers
Apr 12, 2023kristián mensa fuses dance with quirky illustrations to explore the majesty of nature art 596 shares readers
Mar 06, 2023midjourney envisions how centuries-long extinct creatures would look today art 265 shares readers
Mar 01, 2023thomas medicus' optical illusion installation made of glass shards confronts climate change art 248 shares readers
Nov 25, 2022AI-generated 'habitable monsters' envision energy-efficient homes with fangs, fur, and scales architecture 0 shares readers
Nov 17, 2022dogs, cats & frogs handcrafted from brass form apiwat chitapanya's quirky furniture series design 0 shares readers
Oct 20, 2022brass rattlesnake earrings by coppertist.wu embody ancient symbol of hope + eternity design 0 shares readers
Sep 28, 2022tartaruga feliz's playful AI animations encapsulate youthfulness and dream-like energy art 180 shares readers
Sep 12, 2022meet soheil hosseini's mesmerizing, AI-generated birds from the future art 649 shares readers
Jan 25, 2022dmitry kokh photographs polar bears occupying an abandoned russian weather station art +1.5K shares
Aug 19, 2021these hand-painted sea animal surfboards by jean jullien will bring out your inner child art +1.5K shares
Jul 30, 2021a giant snake moves down a massive staircase in this graffiti by SFHIR in portugal art 0 shares
Jun 02, 2021the glass ark, an exhibition featuring pierre rosenberg's glass animal collection art 0 shares
Apr 18, 2021helga stentzel hangs a clothes polar bear to raise awareness on climate change art 0 shares
Mar 04, 2021flower petals form fantastical exotic animals in josh dykgraaf's painstaking photomontages art 0 shares
Oct 20, 2020FEROCES is a collection of ceramic coffee cups inspired by mexico's endangered animals design 0 shares readers
Sep 29, 2020jo brown's meticulous illustrations document the flora and fauna of the countryside art 0 shares
Sep 11, 2020why this year’s shortlist of comedy wildlife photography awards confirms trend to humanize animals design +43.5K shares
Aug 21, 2020this dragonfly diffuser set balances on its beak while spreading gentle aromas design 0 shares