Aug 09, 2020critterpedia, the australian app that is like shazam for spiders and snakes technology 0 shares
Oct 24, 2019google launches tools for digital wellbeing including a 'paper phone’ technology 0 shares
May 10, 2019NIKE app now uses AR to scan and measure your feet with perfect accuracy technology 0 shares
Jan 06, 2019neutrogena launches app that lets you personalize and 3D-print your own beauty mask technology 0 shares
Jan 02, 2019'year of colour' app by makelight generates your instagram palette from 2018 technology 0 shares
Dec 30, 2018huawei releases AI app that translates emotions into sounds for the visually impaired technology 0 shares
Dec 04, 2018nooyoon proposes an app-controlled façade for korea pavilion at expo 2020 dubai architecture 0 shares readers
Aug 08, 2018vinyl records turn into 'music you can see' in new AR app by wieden + kennedy technology 697 shares readers
May 09, 2018google announces lookout app to help blind people navigate their surroundings technology 0 shares
May 08, 2018morpholio unveils smart fill, the world's first area calculator for live design sketching architecture 651 shares readers
Mar 14, 2018forget looks, this dating app lets you pick your match based on their voice design 0 shares
Mar 02, 2018unsettlingly awesome iPhone X illusion will suck you into an infinite abyss of anxiety technology +1.4K shares
Feb 15, 2018morpholio's tracepro app assists architects throughout construction administration phase architecture 187 shares readers
Dec 11, 2017the retro gudak camera app requires users to wait three days to develop digital film technology 0 shares
Dec 05, 2017BMW i visualiser augmented reality app is now available on (some) iPhones technology 0 shares
Sep 06, 2016morpholio stencil app is world's first customizable digital drawing template technology 0 shares
Aug 29, 2016dot the physical push notification puts users in control of information technology 0 shares
Aug 03, 2016cyclists can take a ride into 21st century with multifunctional shoka bell technology 0 shares