super compact living bud houses make up KMJ+A's eco-village concept in sicily

super compact living bud houses make up KMJ+A's eco-village concept in sicily

Living Buds Harnesses Green Design and Advanced Technology


KMJ+A introduces Living Buds, an eco-village concept in Nicolosi, Sicily, featuring bud-shaped houses designed for energy and food self-sufficiency. This project, addressing climate change and energy challenges, integrates nature-inspired architecture with advanced sustainable technologies. The compact bud-shaped houses are aerodynamically efficient, maximizing natural ventilation and daylight, which reduces energy consumption and enhances comfort. The design blends with the landscape, symbolizing growth and regeneration while promoting an eco-friendly living environment.


Energy self-sufficiency is achieved through microalgae-based power generation and biogas technology. The microalgae system, integrated into the house’s exterior, generates electricity via photosynthesis and recycles water and nutrients, reducing water consumption. Biogas technology converts human and organic waste into energy for heating and cooking, while also producing compost for agriculture.

super compact living bud houses make up KMJ+A's eco-village concept in sicily
image: video still Living Buds by KMJ+A | all images courtesy of KMJ+A



KMJ+A’s Eco-Village Design Fosters Community and Sustainability


The design envisions a cluster of these houses forming an eco-village, where shared energy and resource management promote efficiency and community interaction. Communal spaces encourage social activities, fostering a sense of community and collaboration among residents.


The eco-village concept by KMJ+A architects aims to preserve the local ecosystem, protect natural resources, and integrate with the existing community in Nicolosi. The project leverages the agricultural potential of the area to support sustainable lifestyles, with the eco-village residents working together to maintain the environment.

super compact living bud houses make up KMJ+A's eco-village concept in sicily
Living Buds eco-village concept features bud-shaped houses | image: video still Living Buds by KMJ+A



Living Buds Enhances Community Living Through Nature


Living Buds also addresses the mental health benefits of residing in nature. The shift from urban stress to a natural environment offers psychological relief and mental well-being, with the eco-village fostering social support and reducing isolation through communal living. Nicolosi’s existing infrastructure for transportation, healthcare, and education ensures that residents of the eco-village can live comfortably, contributing to the stability and sustainability of the community.

super compact living bud houses make up KMJ+A's eco-village concept in sicily
Living Buds are designed for energy and food self-sufficiency | image: video still Living Buds by KMJ+A



Living Buds by KMJ+A represents a new paradigm in sustainable architecture, combining natural design with cutting-edge technology to create self-sufficient living environments. The project offers a blueprint for future developments, addressing climate and energy concerns while enhancing the quality of life through sustainable living.

super compact living bud houses make up KMJ+A's eco-village concept in sicily
located in Nicolosi, Sicily, the eco-village promotes sustainable living through advanced technologies

super compact living bud houses make up KMJ+A's eco-village concept in sicily
aerodynamically efficient, the houses maximize ventilation and daylight | image: video still Living Buds by KMJ+A



microalgae-based power generation and biogas technology optimize resource use and support self-sufficiency

super compact living bud houses make up KMJ+A's eco-village concept in sicily
the microalgae system generates electricity while absorbing CO2 | image: video still Living Buds by KMJ+A

super compact living bud houses make up KMJ+A's eco-village concept in sicily
biogas technology converts waste into energy, reducing environmental impact | image: video still Living Buds by KMJ+A


the houses cluster together to form an eco-village, fostering social interaction and community bonds

super compact living bud houses make up KMJ+A's eco-village concept in sicily
living room/kitchen area

super compact living bud houses make up KMJ+A's eco-village concept in sicily

super compact living bud houses make up KMJ+A's eco-village concept in sicily


plan 1-1
plan 1-1
plan 2-3
plan 2-3
plan 3-1
plan 3-1
section 1-1
section 1-1
section 2-1
section 2-1
detail section 1
detail section 1

project info:


name: Living Buds
architect: KMJ+A | @kmjplusa

building area of one unit: 24.75 sqm

site area: 15,687 sqm

location: Nicolosi, Sicily, Italy



designboom has received this project from our DIY submissions feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: christina vergopoulou | designboom

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