miguel arraiz's burning man 2025 temple is a fragmented geological sanctuary for healing

miguel arraiz's burning man 2025 temple is a fragmented geological sanctuary for healing

temple of the deep evokes desert geologies and japanese kintsugi


Miguel Arraiz reveals the concept for Temple of the Deep, the official temple for Burning Man 2025 that will return to Black Rock City for this year’s art festival. The structure draws on the Nevada desert’s geological formations, appearing as a monumental black rock fractured by time. Drawing on the Japanese art of kintsugi which repairs broken objects with gold, its charred, fragmented shell is seemingly held together by the wisps of light that penetrate the gaps, illuminating the contemplation within.


The Spanish architect’s concept follows a cavernous volume evoking ancient spaces where people have historically gathered for contemplation and connection. Beneath this raw and organic exterior, the design incorporates Baroque geometries, particularly in its treatment of movement, sightlines, and spatial dynamics, to create a space for reflection, healing, and transformation.

miguel arraiz's burning man 2025 temple is a fragmented geological sanctuary for healing
all images Courtesy of Miguel Arraiz



miguel arraiz envisions cavernous sanctuary for burning man


Evocative of a cave, where people historically gathered to make sense of life, the volume itself is autobiographical. It represents a heart shattered into fragments but reassembled with its scars intact that serve as symbols of resilience, visually narrating the journey of loss and renewal and echoing the festival’s tradition of radical acceptance and emotional release.


As with past Burning Man Temples, Temple of the Deep will serve as a communal sanctuary, offering attendees a place to process emotions and honor their personal journeys, acknowledging the need for finding meaning in these processes without rushing them. Aiding this meditation and in keeping with the festival’s gifting ethos, Miguel Arraiz invites participants to send letters — messages of grief, love, or gratitude — that will be incorporated into the Temple. These letters will remain sealed even throughout the Temple’s ceremonial burning, where they will be consumed by fire in a symbolic release and transformation.

miguel arraiz's burning man 2025 temple is a fragmented geological sanctuary for healing
Miguel Arraiz reveals the concept for Temple of the Deep

miguel arraiz's burning man 2025 temple is a fragmented geological sanctuary for healing
evoking ancient spaces where people have historically gathered for contemplation and connection

miguel arraiz's burning man 2025 temple is a fragmented geological sanctuary for healing
a sacred space for healing at Burning Man 2025


its charred, fragmented shell is seemingly held together by the wisps of light that penetrate the gaps

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